Topic: Dealing with the Power of lustful SINs
Romans 6:23 says "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." This scripture, though very simple has a big role to play in our relationship with God. The first step to being a child of God is to be born again. This is done by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and confessing your SINs to Him with a determination never to go back to your SINs.
Salvation Prayer:
Before we continue, if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, pray this prayer so we would be on the same page; "Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you, please forgive me of all my SINs and accept me as your child. Write my name in the book of life, help me never to go back to my SINs and let me serve you for the rest of my life...Amen!"
If you prayed this prayer, we are on the same page and Jesus Christ has accepted you. Back to Romans 6:23; as children of God, we are accepted by Jesus Christ but at the same time, the Devil is very angry with us because we don't belong to him. We have seen the Light (Jesus Christ) and we belong to Jesus Christ.
The Devil uses 3 main things to tempt us as believers:
- Lust of the Eyes
- Lust of the Flesh
- Pride of Life
Our topic today relates to these 3. As believers, we are faced with lust in various areas of our lives. We can't deny or ignore this. This message is aimed at helping us to overcome these lustful SINs with steps inspired by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God (Bible).
Some examples of lustful SINs we face in our world today are:
- Fornication
- Adultery
- Masturbation
- Pornography
- Homosexuality
- Lesbianism
- Transgender
- Same sex marriage and many more...
These practices are not to make us discourages or depressed. They are to strengthen our Faith in God and bring us closer to God.
Some steps that can help us overcome are:
1) Renew your salvation everyday: Many believers feel that once they are saved, that is all. It is not so. After salvation, you still need to examine yourself daily (2 Corinthians 13:5). You need to confess your lustful SINs to God daily and ask Him for help. It is the pride of life that makes us feel we don't need to renew our salvation. It makes us come up with the notion that "Once saved, forever saved". This is very wrong. Examine yourself daily!
2) Be filled with the Holy Spirit: This is something we ignore so much. We are to desire the Holy Spirit. He is a gift of God to us to help us overcome lustful SINs. Ask God for this Gift and ask the Holy Spirit to help you overcome. This comes with speaking in tongues regularly. This helps to edify you (1 Corinthians 14:14). To fight spiritual battles, you can't use physical weapons. The lustful SINs are more of spiritual than physical because they are from the devil. To overcome, you must use the Holy Spirit inside of you. You must pray in tongues for longer periods.
3) The Power of the Word of God (Bible): The word of God is very powerful (Hebrews 4:12). This is your Bible. Read it more, study it more, meditate on it and obey it. It will help to fill your mind. The devil would not have space to bring negative thoughts of lust, pornography to your mind. The word of God sanctifies us of these lustful SINs (John 17:17).
4) Pray like never before: Prayer is also a powerful weapon to defeat lust in any ramification. When we pray, we connect with God and God hears us. Tell God your problems. Tell Him about the lust, the urges for sex, the torment of strange women or strange men, the appetite for sex before marriage, the negative thoughts amongst others. Tell Him everything and He will help you (Matthew 11:28).
5) Be disciplined: Discipline is very important in overcoming lustful SINs. You must cut-off from everything capable of bringing you back to these SINs.
Be disciplined with social media and mind the friends you keep.
Stay away from Pornography.
Stay away from Strange women as a married man. Stick to your wife.
Stay away from Strange men as a married woman. Stick to your husband.
Stay away from sex before marriage. It is a lie from the pit of Hell.
Stay away from same sex marriage. It leads to destruction.
Stay away from becoming a transgender. It is totally unacceptable by God and it leads to God's wrath.
Stay away from bad friends.
Discipline is your effort to make while God helps you overcome. This is very important.
Finally, be very careful who you share your problems with. Some people may take advantage of you especially if you are struggling with sexual SINs. Do not tell your lustful SINs to the opposite sex. You can ask the Holy Spirit if He wants you to tell anyone and make sure you obey His instructions. The surest way to overcome is still; "Telling your problem to Jesus Christ". He knows and cares for you. Do not be discouraged. Have Faith and always remember; "JESUS LOVES YOU!".
Have a Blessed Day!
God Bless you!
Michael Abaniwo (21th September 2021)
Image by: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay